We make games that grab your attention
More years ago than I can count (or at least I want to count) my brother and I dreamed of creating video games. We even made a first try at "Global Thermonuclear War" as a game. That was a bit ambitious and didn't go much farther than a lot of ICBM trails going from the U.S. to the U.S.S.R. Sadly we grew up and sold our souls to corporate I.T.
Long before we succumbed to SQL databases, quick sorts, and data entry forms, even before we tried to nuke the Soviets, we played a game that had a profound effect on us. Way, way, way back in the day you could get magazines that had games in them. To get the game into the computer you had to type it in. Not the source code mind you, that would be too long. The byte code. Line by line, page by page. I can't remember now, but for my birthday or Christmas, my brother typed in that byte code for a game.
It must have made a big impression on both of us. I made "Station Defense" and when I showed him the opening gameplay he immediately recognized it. The rules of that old game are lost to us, but a station sitting alone in space defending itself from the bad guys, that meant something to both of us. xotmatrix on Twitter identified a precursor of the game, 1980s Space Zap!
It is late in the day, but we have the tools and ability from careers in programming to chase our dreams today. Play "Station Defense", our 1st, but hopefully not our last game.